Integrative Medicine

Laser Therapy

Photobiomodulation is painless, noninvasive, and easily administered in a primary care setting.
PBMT has the ability to penetrate deep into muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones and promote a strong healing response.
Examples of diagnoses that could benefit from PBMT treatment as a sole treatment modality include surgical incisions, wounds, lick granulomas, osteoarthritis and tail pull injuries.
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Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is an alternative medical treatment that introduces ozone or ozonides to the body.It may be used to treat medical conditions by stimulating the immune system
Ozone therapy decreases inflammation, and pain. It is a useful treatment for a wide variety of cases where there is damaged tissue such as wounds, abscesses, joint, and ligament injuries.
The treatments do not affect normal healthy cells in the body, therefore is the most beneficial adjunct therapy to fight cancer.

Ultraviolet blood Irradiation (UBI)

UBI is a procedure that exposes the blood to light to heighten the body’s immune response. 

When combined with ozone we get O3 UV a very potent treatment for viral and bacterial infections, auto-immune conditions, kidney disease, liver disease, etc. It is used as an adjuvant therapy to treat cancer as well.

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Chinese herbs

Herbal medicines are one type of dietary supplements

botanical medicine involves the practice of prescribing plant products, or products derived directly from plants, for the treatment of disease.

Herbal therapies can be especially beneficial to pets with chronic dis-ease such as: diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, cancer, and others.

IV Vitamin Therapy

Intravenous (IV) Vitamin Therapy involves the administration of high doses of Vitamin ( for example vitamin C and/ or D) directly into the bloodstream via an IV catheter. This delivery system is powerful as it allows the Vitamin C to reach levels high enough to kill cancer cells.
IV vitamins bypass the gut, achieving blood and tissue concentrations that are markedly higher than those achieved with the oral form
An example of a great IV infusion treatment is the use of Vitamin C to fight cancer.  When given intravenously, Vitamin C has been shown to reduce inflammation and induce the production of hydrogen peroxide which directly kills cancer cells in the early stages of cancer.
IV Vitamin C can be used in conjunction with conventional cancer therapies or as the primary treatment when a pet cannot tolerate conventional cancer therapies.
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Schedule a Consultation

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 6:00pm / Saturday 8:00am - 2:00pm​

Keep your eye out for the grand opening in the summer of 2023

But if you need home veterinary medical attention you can write to us!